Name: International Federal of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM)
Introduction: International Federal of Organic Agriculture Movement(IFOAM) is one of the world's most important Organic Agriculture organization, is distributed in more than five hundred organizations related to the Organic Agriculture, including farmers, consumers, processors, traders, etc , as well as research, promotion, training institution. There are many individual members, but no vote right. Taiwan currently has no members of the IFOAM society.
The IFOAM standards provide an organizational framework for the universal approach to organic agriculture around the world, develop kinds of standards fit the different agricultural systems according to the environment, people all over the world, all sorts of different conditions; Regional and national institutions need to set standards for more stricter than the overall IFOAM standards. Therefore, when the product is sold on the market for "organic" signs, the farm must be manufactured according to these standards and confirmed by the state or region.